How much condensation in attic for 90 temps is normal? Water running to corner of unit, leaking outside of?

"catch basin". Not sure why the water is going to the corner and not dripping directly below into the basin but it is seeping thru insulation and onto attic floor. I put a pan to catch it but I have to empty it every day...this is a huge pan that holds at least two gallons of water. Also, Is it normal to feel any cool air anywhere near the evaporator coil or blower unit? I have a Bryant dual ac/furnace. I rented out my home for the past 1.5 yrs. and the tenant NEVER changed the air filter, so now I fear there is a bigger issue here since I've never had the problem and I've owned the home since 2002. System is also VERY OLD.

HVAC Tech.: The unit will make lots of water out of the air. You seem to have several problems all at one time. Neglect being the greatest of them. You do NOT seem to have any major problems at present. You should call a professional technician to clean/clear the drain lines. The evaporator coil well need cleaning as well. The cold air leaks in the attic will need attention also. And the other services that are part of a spring tune-up. HE will need to check level on your secondary drain pan (what I think you call A "catch basin." Good luck!!

I suspect you have a clogged drain or some kind of obstruction from letting the condensation from the evaporator of your A/C. If you're handy I would trace the interior of the evaporator unit and make sure there are no rust holes. Also check the condensate pan and make sure there are no leaks to the drainage pipe. Overall what is happening is you have a condensate leak from your A/C. Try to trace water droplets when your A/C is running.

I've never heard of a dew point of 90 degrees unless you live in the Amazon.

probably alot of dust and or crud build up in the pan the evaporator sits on, they make cleaners for this, very caustic though. if you do not rinse them well they could eat the aluminum fins. also try blowing out the primary drain line with some compressed air. if the filter had not been changed the evaporator is probably clogged you can get a fin brush and scrape the fins before you clean them. very hot work be careful in the attic. good luck

Relevel the pan.

Depends upon the humidity.

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